
Il comprend des centaines d’add-ons et pourrait donc constituer une alternative intéressante à SuperRepo. Comme son nom l'indique, ce dépôt est organisé par une équipe israélienne appelée Kodi Israel Group et met clairement l'accent sur les compléments israéliens. Another great Kodi repository is the Kodil–or Kodisrael, as it is also called–add-on. It includes hundreds of add-ons and as such, could be an interesting alternative to SuperRepo. As its name suggests, this repo is curated by an Israeli team called the Kodi Israel Group and it … Nous avons cherché sur Internet les meilleures solutions de rechange à SuperRepo et en avons trouvé quelques-unes. Nous vous présentons notre top 5. Ce sont, selon nous, les 5 meilleures alternatives de SuperRepo. Le dépôt TVADDONS.CO. TVADDONS.Le référentiel AG Fusion était considéré par beaucoup comme le meilleur référentiel. Il a malheureusement été fermé l'été dernier à la suite de poursuites … What are the best Superrepo alternatives to install Kodi addons? Superrepo is one of the largest repositories of Kodi addons. Like any other unofficial repository, there is a good chance that Superrepo will either temporarily or permanently go down for a variety of reasons. With that in mind, I’ve prepared a list of top Kodi repositories you can use to install your favorite video addons if

The Superrepo is one of the best kodi repositories which has lots of sub-repository due to its vast collections of diverse add-ons. It is the host for most of the evergreen addons. Super repo is the most reliable repository. Super repos have 1700+ addons. In that 1000+ addons are video addons. And it is the largest of all repository. Due to the large size of the repository, they have even

What are the best Superrepo alternatives to install Kodi addons? Superrepo is one of the largest repositories of Kodi addons. Like any other unofficial repository, there is a good chance that Superrepo will either temporarily or permanently go down for a variety of reasons. With that in mind, I’ve prepared a list of top Kodi repositories you can use to install your favorite video addons if SuperRepo is already installed on millions of Kodi users worldwide but it could soon disappear. Since the community is strong enough to come up with super repo alternatives, here are some of the best alternatives: SuperRepo Alternatives. Fusion (aka TVAddons) Noobs & Nerds Repository (Installation Guide) SportsDevil Repository (Installation Guide) Oct 18, 2017 - We introduce you to five very interesting SuperRepo alternatives. And after we present each one, we tell you how to install it.

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Depuis Home cliquer sur extensions puis sur l’icone de la petite boite. Installer depuis un zip. Installer depuis un fichier .zip. Choisissez le dossier local contenant repository.vstream-x.x.x.zip 09/07/2017 · After Fusion/Tvaddons.ag shut down, we had to use Super Repo to install/update addons like Exodus. Now it seems Exodus is not working from Super Repo either. This video will show you a new